Rehabilitation to Racing, a new starting point.

Rehabilitation to Racing, a new starting point.
Published 16th November 2018

It's not important how it starts, it's simply important to start!

Every journey starts at a different point with unique circumstances, limitations and constraints for any individual. An individual’s start point is often unique as is their journey as they commit and strive towards their goals.

I for one have had many different start points. My first start point when initially beginning to compete within triathlon events was having a very broad training background, based on lots of activity whilst being naive to structure and planning. Since then completing a degree in Sports and Exercise Science has enabled me to back up my enthusiasm with knowledge and expertise.

This knowledge and expertise has never been more needed than now as I start again from a polar opposite starting point. A starting point that has seen very limited physical activity for a prolonged period of time. due to injury followed by a frustrating rehabilitation pathway, that has seen many false dawns and disappointing regressions back to pain and discomfort in daily life with triathlon training and racing being a very distant possibility.

Thank fully I am now at that start point beginning my journey back towards training and racing in a sport that gives me so much enjoyment and has given me countless personal challenges and achievements that makes it so worthwhile. Its been a long road to this point but now more than ever I can look forward to a year of competition and challenges in 2019.

So, whatever your circumstances, your limitations and constraints make that start and begin your unique journey and enjoy where it takes you.

A modest ride on Zwift has been my starting point, but yours may be very different.


Post by claire armstrong on 16th November 2018
Have been on the long injury journey myself this year, I completely get where you are coming from with this blog. Starting and getting over the psychological fear that you will break, has been the key to me restarting my journey.

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