Sounds easy but making sure the split is correct and your control of the first section of the run is key, the first section should be focused on getting into your running and holding a sustainable pace in and around your aerobic pace.
The session:
Warm-up with your normal scheduled ride
Brick Run:
SPRINT= 11 mins EASY, TURN FOR HOME, 9 mins at increased pace with the aim of getting back on or under 20 mins.
OLYMPIC= 22 mins EASY, TURN FOR HOME, 18 mins at increased pace with the aim of getting back on or under 40 mins.
70.3= 60 mins EASY, 30 mins picking the pace up by approx 1 km/h+. This pace can get quicker the closer you get to the finish of the session.
Why include it:
Benefit from a change of speed and develop the ability to run stronger and faster at the key part of a race knocking chunks of time off your finish time and catching race number and race number in front of you.
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